Quota Management

⭐️⭐️🏒 CoreQuotas are a simple mechanism for protecting cloud foundations and application teams against unforeseen spikes in usage/spend.

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Quotas are a simple mechanism for protecting cloud foundations and application teams against unforeseen spikes in usage/spend.

Managing quotas is a balancing act. Tight quotas can block healthy growth and necessary operations. Generous quotas do not protect against runaway workloads and unexpected spikes in costs.

Proven Patterns When Implementing Quota Management

Set Default Quotas per Landing Zone

Generous quotas are better than no quotas. We recommend to set quotas if your platform supports them. Think of it as the usage/spend pendant of IAM’s β€œleast privilege principle”.

Manage Quotas per Tenant

Every application team starts with the default quota of the Landing Zone they are consuming. From there on, increases need to be requested and granted on a per-tenant basis because they heavily depend on the workload running in the tenant to be effective.

Allow Moderate Increases of Quota in Self-Service

Allowing application teams to moderately increase quotas in self-service reduces the operational burden for the cloud foundation team. Instead of directly granting the higher quota, this ensures the higher usage/spend is a conscious decision of the application team.

  • meshStack

    meshStack has built-in support for managing quotas for private platforms like OpenStack or OpenShift including for auto-approval of quota requests up to a defined threshold.

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